
Nat: The same series of events, the same place

Nat is a tall, slender, and energetic man. I have known him for nearly two years, but I cannot remember when and where we met for the first time. Perhaps the court, or if not, then the prison. Places where others do not want to be caught. Nat told me that his interest in politics began in 2006. He registered as a member of a webboard in order to express his political opinions. I often bugged him about what in his studies or life had caused him to become interested in politics.
online media

คปส.เรียกร้องยกเลิก พ.ร.ก.ฉุกเฉินฯ หยุดคุมสื่อ

คปส.ร่วมกับวิทยุชุมชนและกลุ่มผู้ใช้อินเทอร์เน็ต เรียกร้องให้รัฐบาลยกเลิกประกาศ พ.ร.ก.ฉุกเฉิน และหยุดคุกคามและแทรกแซงสื่อ